Business Company: 株式会社ベル


Business Location:  〒721-0951  広島県福山市新浜町1-1-3


Public Phone Number: 08065896652


Public Email Address:


Operations Representative: YIYI LAN


Other expenses: no have other expenses


Returns and Cancellations: 30 days returns customer pays for round trip express delivery (excluding defective products) 24 hours free cancellations.


Processing Time: Online orders processed within 2-9 days


Delivery Time: Processing time(2-9 days) + shipping time(3-12 day)


Payment Methods: Credit cards (VISA, MASTER,JCB,AMEX)


Payment Deadline: Credit cards are charged immediately after order completion


Average Price of Goods: Approximately $40

For inquiries about purchasing goods or membership services, please contact us through the provided contact information.